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200 Hour Meditation & Yoga Teacher Training Course
Welcome Day
Welcome letter
Sharing circles via Zoom
Course requirements
Daily meditation diary
Study Pack 1 - Foundations
Asana Practice: Pavanamuktasana series with Dijan (70:57)
Theory 1: Intro to Basic Concepts with Andrea (138:35)
Meditation 1: Mindfulness with Dijan
Study Pack 2 - Foundations
Asana Practice: Energy based warm-ups and Sun Salutations with Devlin (106:27)
Theory: Introduction to Asana with Dijan (43:43)
Meditation: Mindfulness with Kat
Study Pack 3 - Energy Body
Asana Practice: Forward Bends - Meditative practice with Devlin (89:25)
Theory: Concept of Energy with Andrea (181:43)
Meditation: Mindfulness - Focus on emotions with Kat
Study Pack 4 - Physical Body
Asana Practice: Forward Bends with Katrin (112:01)
Physiology 1: Yoga and Health with Dijan (50:33)
Physiology 2: Respiratory System with Dijan (69:09)
Meditation: Objectifying the Silence part 1 with Devlin
Practicum Pack 1
Self Practice
Study Pack 5 - Foundations
Asana Practice: Backbends with Dijan (104:44)
Theory: Branches of Yoga with Andrea (57:54)
Meditation: Objectifying the Silence part 2 with Devlin
Study Pack 6 - Foundations
Asana Practice: Backbends with Devlin (86:22)
Physiology 3: Immune System with Dijan (44:12)
Meditation: Trataka with Devlin
Study Pack 7 - Mindfulness on and off the mat
Asana Practice: Mindfulness during the practice with Devlin (109:26)
Theory: Intro to Yama and Niyama and Ahimsa with Andrea (67:11)
Meditation: Trataka (self-guided)
Study Pack 8 - The Core 1
Asana Practice: Intro to Core Work/Trikonasana with Katrin (79:10)
Physiology 4: Cardiovascular and Digestive Systems with Dijan (91:03)
Meditation: Intro to Self Inquiry with Andrea (22:48)
Study Pack 9 - The Core 2
Asana Practice: Core Work with Devlin (114:17)
Theory: Satyam with Andrea (70:31)
Meditation: Trataka with Devlin
Study Pack 10 - The Core 3
Asana Practice: Core Work with Katrin (79:23)
Physiology 5: Endocrine and Nervous Systems with Dijan (98:32)
Meditation: Mindfulness with Dijan
Practicum Pack 2 - Attitudes
Off the Mat
Study Pack 11 - The Mind
Asana Practice: Core work & Sama Vritti with Kat (104:27)
Theory: Yogic Understanding of the Mind with Dijan (94:19)
Meditation: Focused Attention vs Open Monitoring with Devlin
Study Pack 12 - Consecration
Asana Practice: Fascia lines with Dijan (92:59)
Theory: Introduction to Consecration with Andrea (12:43)
Savasana & Savasana adjustments with Kat (29:30)
Study Pack 13 - Bhavana
Meditation: Bhavana - Cultivating Aspiration (self-guided)
Theory: Asteya with Andrea (46:04)
Asana: Self-Practice
Study Pack 14 - Muladhara Chakra
Asana Practice: Muladhara with Devlin (116:13)
Theory: Muladhara Chakra with Dijan (36:28)
Study Pack 15 - Kapha Dosha
Asana Practice: Kapha Balancing with Dijan (71:43)
Physiology 6: Ayurveda basics - Kapha with Dijan (61:37)
Study Pack 16 - Anatomy
Anatomy 1 with Dijan (35:28)
Movement Lab I with Dijan (71:01)
Meditation: Bio Energy Meditation with Devlin (8:43)
Practicum Pack 3
Study Pack 17 - Sexuality in Yoga
Theory 1: Brahmacharya with Andrea and Brahmacharya for Women with Dijan (122:08)
Asana Practice: Flow class with Katrin (103:49)
Theory 2: Tantra vs Vedanta - The Sexuality Dilemma with Dijan (49:11)
Meditation: Non-linear Movement with Devlin
Study Pack 18 - Svadhisthana Chakra
Asana Practice: Svadhisthana with Devlin (94:13)
Theory: Svadhisthana Chakra with Dijan (36:15)
Meditation: Music meditation (self-guided)
Study Pack 19 - Anatomy
Theory: Anatomy II with Dijan (47:50)
Asana Practice: Movement Lab II with Dijan (70:31)
Meditation: Vocal Toning with Devlin
Study Pack 20 - Teaching Methodology
Asana Practice: Movement Lab III with Dijan (56:11)
Theory 1: Designing a hatha flow class - Sequencing with Katrin (56:01)
Theory 2: Energetics of class design - Structure with Andrea (65:49)
Study Pack 21 - Manipura Chakra
Asana Practice: Manipura with Andrea (180:43)
Theory 1: Manipura chakra with Dijan (25:17)
Theory 2: Aparigraha with Andrea (57:50)
Study Pack 22 - Pitta Dosha
Asana Practice: Pitta Balancing Class with Dijan (73:06)
Physiology 7: Ayurveda basics, Pitta & Vamana Dhauti with Dijan (59:15)
Study Pack 23 - Kriya Practice
Suggested morning kriya: Vamana Dhauti
Theory: Saucha and Prana with Andrea (46:48)
Meditation: Walking meditation with Kat
Study Pack 24 - Anahata Chakra
Asana Practice: Anahata Class with Dijan (82:46)
Theory: Anahata Chakra with Dijan (22:54)
Meditation: Music meditation with Kat
Study Pack 25 - Vata Dosha
Physiology 8: Ayurveda basics, Vata - Shanka Prakshalana with Dijan (70:45)
Asana Practice: Vata Balancing Class with Andrea (102:58)
Study Pack 26 - Freestyle
Practice: Freestyle class with Andrea (97:53)
Theory: Santosha with Katrin (60:52)
Meditation: Compassion practice with Devlin
Theory 2: Yoga sutras with Dijan (9:20)
Study Pack 27 - Vishuddha Chakra
Practice: Vishuddha class with Dijan (72:22)
Theory: Vishuddha Chakra with Dijan (35:00)
Meditation: Music meditation
Study Pack 28 - Freestyle
Practice: Freestyle class with Devlin (115:09)
Theory: Karma Yoga & the Bhagavad Gita with Andrea (69:18)
Meditation: Self Inquiry with Andrea
Study Pack 29 - Tapas
Theory: Tapas with Devlin (57:57)
Self-Practice: Setting a tapas
Theory 2: Dominant Chakra with Dijan (21:40)
Study Pack 30 - Ajna Chakra
Practice: Ajna class with Dijan (57:00)
Theory: Ajna with Dijan (26:43)
Meditation: Music meditation
Silent Meditation Retreat Instructions
Preparation for the Hridaya Silent Retreat (35:40)
Study Pack 31 - Preparing to Teach, Part 1
Practice: Self Practice; Developing Cues and Preparing A Sequence
Theory 1: Holding Space with Kat (32:24)
Meditation: The Inner Smile with Devlin
Theory 2: Svadhyaya with Andrea (62:54)
Study Pack 32 - Preparing to Teach, Part 2
Theory 1: Asana Adjusting, Correcting, Assisting with Devlin (35:32)
Practice: Self Practice - Practice Teaching your Class
Theory 2: Ishvarapranidhana with Andrea (71:35)
Meditation: Tonglen with Andrea
Practicum Pack 4 - Teaching a live Class!
Live 75 Minute Class
Study Pack 33 - Classical Tantra
Practice: Bhuta Shuddi with Kat
Theory: Classical Tantra with Dijan (103:29)
Meditation: Protection mantra (10:28)
Study Pack 34 - Sahasrara Chakra
Practice: Sahasrara Class with Dijan (63:44)
Theory: Sahasrara with Dijan (20:16)
Meditation: Protection mantra (self-guided)
Study Pack 35 - Classical Tantra Continued
Practice: Freestyle class with Devlin (86:44)
Theory: Mahavidyas with Dijan (35:14)
Meditation: Protection mantra (self-guided)
Study Pack 36 - Lead a Meditation
Practice: Restorative class with Dijan (87:44)
Theory: Preparing and Leading a Meditation with Andrea (27:59)
Meditation: Protection mantra (self-guided)
Practicum Pack 5
Live Guided Meditation
Study Pack 37 - Yoga Nidra
Practice: Yoga Nidra with Dijan
Theory: Yoga Nidra Theory with Dijan (32:00)
Meditation: Protection mantra (self-guided)
Study Pack 38 - Yogic Entrepreneurship
Practice: Yin Yoga with Kat (140:12)
Theory: Yogic Entrepeneurship with Kat (70:36)
Study Pack 39 - Freestyle
Practice: Freestyle class with Andrea (81:13)
Theory: Yoga and Technology with Devlin (35:18)
Meditation: Prana Uccara with Devlin (37:30)
Study Pack 40 - Yogic Lifestyle
Practice: Self-Practice
Theory 1: Yogic Lifestyle and Diet with the team (55:52)
Theory 2: Yoga & Cultural Appropriation with Devlin (48:06)
Meditation 1: Prana Uccara with Dijan
Study Pack 41 - Anahata - Sahasrara
Practice: Anahata-Sahasrara with Dijan (77:18)
Theory: Ethics with Dijan (107:55)
Meditation: Prana Uccara with Devlin
Final Practicum Pack
Final Assignments & Graduation
Day 1
Theory 1: Intro to Basic Concepts with Andrea (138:35)
Theory 2: Introduction to Asana with Dijan (43:43)
Asana Practice 1: Pavanamuktasana series with Dijan (70:57)
Asana Practice 2: Hridaya warm-ups and Sun Salutations with Devlin (106:27)
Meditation 1: Mindfulness with Dijan
Meditation 2: Mindfulness with Kat
Physiology 1: Yoga and Health with Dijan (50:33)
Day 2
Theory: Concept of Energy with Andrea (181:43)
Asana Practice 1: Forward Bends with Katrin (112:01)
Practice 2: Forward Bends - Meditative practice with Devlin (89:25)
Meditation: Mindfulness with Kat
Physiology 2: Respiratory System with Dijan (69:09)
Day 3
Theory: Branches of Yoga with Andrea (57:54)
Practice 1: Backbends with Dijan (104:44)
Practice 2: Backbends with Devlin (86:22)
Meditation 1: Mindfulness with Devlin
Meditation 2: Trataka with Devlin
Physiology 3: Immune System with Dijan (44:12)
Day 4
Theory: Intro to Yama and Niyama and Ahimsa with Andrea (67:11)
Practice 1: Intro to Core Work/Trikonasana with Katrin (79:10)
Practice 2: Mindfulness during the practice with Devlin (109:26)
Meditation 1: Trataka (self-guided)
Meditation 2: Self Inquiry Intro with Andrea (22:48)
Physiology 4: Cardiovascular and Digestive Systems with Dijan (91:03)
Day 5
Theory: Satyam with Andrea (70:31)
Practice 1: Core Work with Katrin (79:23)
Practice 2: Core Work with Devlin (114:17)
Meditation 1: Objectifying the Silence with Devlin
Meditation 2: Mindfulness with Dijan
Physiology 5: Endocrine and Nervous Systems with Dijan (98:32)
Day 6
Theory 1: Yogic Understanding of the Mind - Antahkarana with Dijan (94:19)
Practice 1: Fascia lines with Dijan (92:59)
Theory 2: Introduction to Consecration with Andrea (12:43)
Practice 2: Core work & Sama Vritti with Kat (104:27)
Savasana & Savasana adjustments with Kat (29:30)
Meditation: Focused Attention vs Open Monitoring with Devlin
Live sharing circle: Principles of Teaching with Dijan
Day 8
Welcome to week two!
Theory 1: Asteya with Andrea (46:04)
Theory 2: Muladhara Chakra with Dijan (36:28)
Practice 1: Kapha Balancing with Dijan (71:43)
Practice 2: Muladhara class with Devlin (116:13)
Meditation 1: Chakra meditation with Kat
Meditation 2: Bhavana - Cultivating Aspiration (self-guided)
Theory 3: Designing a class part I - sequencing with Katrin (56:01)
Physiology 6: Ayurveda basics - Kapha with Dijan (61:37)
Day 9
Theory 1: Brachmacharya with Andrea and Brachmacharya for Women with Dijan (122:08)
Practice 1: Flow class with Katrin (103:49)
Theory 2: Svadhisthana Chakra with Dijan (36:15)
Practice 2: Svadhisthana class with Devlin (94:13)
Meditation 1: Music meditation with Devlin
Meditation 2: Non-linear Movement with Devlin
Theory 3: Tantra vs Vedanta - The Sexuality Dilemma with Dijan (49:11)
Day 10
Theory 1: Aparigraha with Andrea (57:50)
Practice 1: Pitta Balancing Class with Dijan (73:06)
Theory 2: Manipura chakra with Dijan (25:17)
Practice 2: Manipura Class with Andrea (53:50)
Meditation 1: Vocal Toning with Devlin
Meditation 2: Bio Energy Meditation with Devlin (8:43)
Theory 3: Designing your Class part II - Structure with Andrea (65:49)
Physiology 7: Ayurveda basics, Pitta & Vamana Dhauti (59:15)
Day 11
Suggested morning practice: Vamana Dhauti
Theory 1: Saucha and Prana with Andrea (46:48)
Practice 1: Vata Balancing Class with Andrea (102:58)
Theory 2: Anahata Chakra with Dijan (22:54)
Practice 2: Anahata Class with Dijan (82:46)
Meditation 1: Walking meditation with Kat
Meditation 2: Anahata music meditation with Kat
Physiology 8: Ayurveda basics, Vata - Shanka Prakshalana with Dijan (70:45)
Day 12
Theory 1: Santosha with Katrin (60:52)
Practice 1: Freestyle class with Andrea (97:53)
Theory 2: Vishuddha Chakra with Dijan (35:00)
Practice 2: Vishuddha class with Dijan (72:22)
Copy of Meditation 1: Compassion practice with Devlin
Meditation 2: Self Inquiry with Andrea
Theory 3: Yoga sutras with Dijan (9:20)
Day 13
Theory 1: Karma Yoga & the Bhagavad Gita with Andrea (69:18)
Practice 1: Freestyle class with Devlin (115:09)
Theory 2: Ajna with Dijan (26:43)
Practice 2: Ajna class with Dijan (57:00)
Meditation: Shambhavi Mudra (self-guided)
Theory 3: Tapas with Devlin (57:57)
Theory 4: Dominant Chakra with Dijan (21:40)
Preparation for the Hridaya Silent Retreat (35:40)
Live Sharing Circle - Retreat Q&A with Andrea (94:08)
Notes for Week 3
Day 15
Intro: Retreat consecration and meditation (5:25)
Morning lecture: CAPTURING THE UNCAUGHT MIND (36:55)
Meditation on the topic: set 45min
Hatha Yoga practice with Devlin (65:23)
Meditation directly after the practice: 20min (20:19)
Afternoon lecture: STABILIZING THE UNCAUGHT MIND (11:43)
Meditation on the Topic: set 50min
Evening lecture: PRINCIPLES AND SELF INQUIRY (38:19)
Day 16
Morning meditation: set 50min
Morning lecture: THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE HEART (38:49)
Meditation on the topic: set 1h
Hatha Yoga and Meditation practice with Devlin (96:16)
Afternoon lecture: BLOWING UPON THE EMBERS OF THE HEART (16:02)
Meditation on the topic: set 1h
Walking meditation... suggested 30 min practice (18:15)
Evening lecture: THE 4 FUNDAMENTAL ATTITUDES in meditation (46:29)
Day 17
Morning meditation: set 1h
Meditation on the "I AM": set 1h
Hatha Yoga and Meditation Practice with Devlin (92:19)
Afternoon lecture: DEATH: A SPIRITUAL UNDERSTANDING (31:04)
Meditation on death: set 50 min
Evening lecture: THE PRAYER OF THE HEART (27:29)
Meditation on the topic: set 30 mins
Integrating the retreat (19:25)
Day 18
Theory: Svadhyaya with Andrea (62:54)
Practice 1 - Self Practice; Developing Cues and Preparing A Sequence
Anatomy 1 with Dijan (35:28)
Live Sharing Circle with Andrea (51:08)
Day 19
Theory: Ishvara Pranidhana with Andrea (71:35)
Meditation: Tonglen with Andrea
Anatomy 2 with Dijan (47:50)
Day 20
Meditation: The Inner Smile with Devlin
Anatomy 3 with Dijan (71:01)
Day 22
Welcome to Week 4!
Theory 1: Sahasrara with Dijan (20:16)
Practice 1: Sahasrara Class with Dijan (63:44)
Theory 2: Classical Tantra with Dijan (103:29)
Practice 2: Bhuta Shuddi with Kat
Meditation: Protection mantra with Dijan (10:28)
Theory 3: Holding Space with Kat (32:24)
Day 23
Theory 1: Mahavidyas with Dijan (35:14)
Practice 1: Freestyle class with Devlin (86:44)
Theory 2: Preparing and Leading a Meditation with Andrea (27:59)
Practice 2: Restorative class with Dijan (87:44)
Meditation: Protection mantra (self-guided)
Anatomy 4 with Dijan (70:31)
Day 24
Theory 1: Yogic Entrepeneurship with Kat (70:36)
Practice 1: Yin Yoga with Kat (140:12)
Theory 2: Yoga Nidra Theory with Dijan (32:00)
Practice 2: Yoga Nidra with Dijan
Theory 3: Asana Adjusting, Correcting, Assisting with Devlin (35:32)
Meditation: Protection mantra (self-guided)
Day 25
Theory 1: Yoga and Technology with Devlin (35:18)
Practice: Freestyle class with Andrea (81:13)
Meditation 1: Prana Uccara Initiation with Devlin (37:30)
Meditation 2: Prana Uccara with Dijan
Anatomy 5 with Dijan (56:11)
Theory 2: Yoga & Cultural Appropriation with Devlin (48:06)
Day 26
Theory 1: Ethics with Dijan (107:55)
Practice: Anahata-Sahasrara with Dijan (77:18)
Meditation: Prana Uccara with Devlin
Theory 2: Yogic Lifestyle and Diet with the team (55:52)
Day 27
Meditation: Prana Uccara with Dijan (recorded)
Teach online with
Practice 1: Yin Yoga with Kat
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