Asana Practice: Mindfulness during the practice with Devlin
Order for today's practice:
- 8 Warm-up Exercises (Hridaya)
- Padahastasana - Standing Forward Bend
- Sahaja Agnisara Dhauti - Abdominal Fire Cleansing
- Bhujangasana - Cobra pose
- Balasana - Child's Pose
- Paschimottonasana - Seated Forward Bend
- Ustrasana - Camel Pose
- Janushirshasana - Head to Knee Pose
- Breathing
- Shavasana - Corpse pose
Under the intro video you will see a short video demonstrating what my fingers are doing during the practice of Sahaja Agnisara Dhauti.
Abdominal Fire Cleansing.pdf
Child Pose v2.pdf